Pilot project to M.I.R. – Mobile Interface Radio by Team Hallenbau A (Mike Gerber, Matthias Gieselmann, Robin-Antonius Henke, Florian Krupicka, Alexander Liebrich, David Loscher, Florian Wesch, Marco Zampella and Frank Halbig [head of the project].) The radio play “Hallenbau A” is a pilot project. While the listener is moving around the campus of the HfG and the ZKM, he hears fragments of the turbulent history of the building. Although not all the possibilities of interaction are exploited, “Hallenbau A” gives an idea of what interactive radio plays can offer. The MIR project at the University of Art and Design Karlsruhe researches interactive radio plays on smartphones. Extensive possibilities of interaction (e.g. the inclusion of the environmental information at the time and place of the listener) allow the “Brechtian return path to radio.”
Tag: Mobile Game
Green Eyed Invader
Von einer entfernten, farblosen Galaxie reisen Sie zu neuen Welten. Ihre Mission: das Erlöschen aller Farbe! Aber die Einwohner verteidigen sich und behindern so Ihre Mission. Werden Sie es schaffen und alle Farben der Welten schnappen?
“Green Eyed Invader” wurde in der “Unity” Engine für Smartphones und Tablets entwickelt und der erste Prototyp wird während des Sommerlochs 2011 zum ersten Mal gezeigt.
von Jonathan Wehrle & Marco Zampella
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English version
From a distant colorless galaxy you travel to new worlds. Your goal: the extinction of all color! But the inhabitants defend themselves and thus impede your mission. Will you make it and snatch the worlds’ color?
“Green Eyed Invader” is developed in the “Unity” engine for smartphones and tablets and the first prototype version will be shown at the Sommerloch 2011 for the first time.
by Jonathan Wehrle & Marco Zampella